Will She Or Won’t She Go To Jail? The Dance Of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama And Loretta Lynch

Clinton JailHillary Clinton has broken the law. There can be very little debate about that, and even her most ardent supporters are resorting to tortured parsing of words and phrases to bolster what they imagine is the most important point, that she had no intent.

But as Ace of Spades has so ably demonstrated time and time again, she almost certainly knew, and even if she didn’t know that the material she was cavalierly sending hither and yon (but mostly to China and Russia) was classified…It doesn’t matter! The mere mishandling of classified material, with or without intent, is illegal.

But that isn’t the real issue. Does the president want Clinton to be indicted? That is the only question. If he wants her to be shuffled off into the Spiro Agnew and Rod Blagojevich wing of the Museum of American Politicians, then he will instruct his race-obsessed lapdog Loretta Lynch to file charges against Hillary. But that would seem to improve the Republican’s chances for taking the White House, and is Barack Obama willing to sacrifice his party’s interests? Of course a suspicious analysis would suggest that it is in Obama’s best interest to have a Republican victory in November…it will distract from his responsibility for the coming recession, financial crisis, and the significant risk of a large war in the Middle East.

If he would like her to continue her run for the Democrat nomination, then he will give a little tug on Loretta’s leash, and the obfuscation and rationalization will commence. The blizzard of articles from the administration’s pets in the media (It’s most of the kennel) claiming that there was no malign intent will obscure the rule of law. Lynch will delay and muddle and make vague statements about prosecutorial discretion and the lack of intent overshadowing any significant illegal activity … blah … blah … blah.

But will it work? Will the American people and the fourth estate tolerate an unindicted felon as the Democrat nominee for the presidency of the United States? Can Lynch withstand the public pressure to indict? I am confident that Obama doesn’t care, and will do what he sees as the best thing for his legacy. And with seven years of Obama’s peculiar brand of toadyism running rampant in Washington, I doubt we will have a Saturday Night Massacre. Nobody in this administration is resigning over a mere technicality!

As for jail? That is hyperbole….the best we can hope for is a felony charge and, if there is a God, a conviction. She’ll be fined, but I would be shocked if she ever saw the inside of a cell.

2 comments to “Will She Or Won’t She Go To Jail? The Dance Of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama And Loretta Lynch”
  1. I think the above might be optimistic. If Hillary were a Republican and somehow did the same things, I wonder if she might not have gone the way of the Rosenbergs and been executed for treason.

    This made me chuckle. “Will the … fourth estate tolerate an unindicted felon as the Democrat nominee for the presidency of the United States?”

    Why not, they have an unindicted felon AS the Democratic President of the United States now. Why would the Fifth Column pretending to be the Fourth Estate care?

    All in all, a great post that underscores that while all animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others.

  2. Wow….I have been accused of optimism!

    No, I am not an optimist. I think you and I are in agreement…nothing will happen.

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