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The Morning Report 3/13/23

Good morning, kids. With everything going on in the world, whoever had a nationwide run on the banks on their...

The Morning Report 3/10/23

Good morning, kids. See if you can find a common thread in these different stories. First, we take you to...

The Morning Rant

Just a few months ago the conventional wisdom in conservative circles was that Kevin McCarthy was a machine politician...

The Morning Report 3/9/23

Good morning, kids. I remember once seeing a goofy bumper sticker which read: “My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma.”...

The Morning Report 3/8/23

Good morning, kids. Two quotes are quite cromulent this morning: “You take the most flak when you’re directly over...

The Morning Rant

NYC mayor Eric Adams seems to want it both ways. Draconian public health measures of demonstrably no value, except...

The Morning Report 3/7/23

Good morning, kids. Here’s a hypothetical to ponder; If, when confronted by evidence of something that if not incontrovertible...

The Morning Report 3/6/23

Good morning, kids. Good morning, kids. Ah yes, another week, another domestic terror attack, although the junta’s house organ...

The Morning Report 3/3/23

Good morning, kids. So, whoever is pulling Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants’ strings actually pulled one that for once in a...

The Morning Rant

Good! It is vitally important in this day and age that Germany continues its headlong rush into global insignificance....