The Morning Report 3/31/21

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and while my blood is already boiling about other crucial things that are turning the...

The Morning Rant

The lessons of the Easter Rising of 1916 are probably lost to many, but should be equally obvious to...

The Morning Report 3/30/21

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and the purge of anyone and anything perceived as a threat to the rapidly-metastasizing power...

The Morning Report 3/29/21

Good morning, kids. Monday and while the big story is the junta in D.C. effectively erasing our southern border...

The Morning Report 3/26/21

Good morning, kids. Friday and the weekend is here. The big story is of course yesterday’s magic show at...

The Morning Rant

If you think that we are unique in our political dysfunction, Israel says, “Hold My Beer!” And they have...

The Morning Report 3/25/21

ood morning, kids. Thursday and there’s just so much happening as we come apart at the seams that it’s...

The Morning Rant

Cradle-To-Grave socialism…it’s all the rage! What did these idiots expect…some huge federal bailout of their little factory? Unicorns and...

The Morning Report 3/24/21

Good morning, kids. Wednesday. Never let a crisis go to waste:real, imagined or manufactured. Even the most naive babe-in-the...