The Morning Rant: Kamala Is A Champagne Socialist

Kamala Harris is the quintessential California Champagne Socialist. She espouses policies that are tremendously destructive to America, but carefully insulates herself from the repercussions of those policies. Green New...

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The Morning Rant: Coup d’état, Or Business As Usual?

Is it a coup d’état? Can an illegitimate leader be deposed, or is it simply the natural progression of a stolen election that has degraded the entire concept of...

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The Morning Rant: Winston Wolf Edition

The combination of the Biden/Obama junta’s awful economic policies, their catastrophic foreign policy, a cultural and legal outlook that rewards racialist behavior, open borders, and a lunatic fixation on...

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The Morning Report 7/26/24

Good Morning Kids.  So the Obama’s have now officially endorsed Kamala. I assume this means she’s either agreed to become their...

The Morning Report 7/25/24

Good Morning Kids. So, Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants finally appears days after a communiqué was released announcing his departure from...

The Morning Report 7/24/24

Good Morning Kids. It’s all about the unity with the Democrat Left. There’s going to be so much unity...

The Morning Report 7/23/24

Good Morning Kids. Horrendous a human being as Joe Biden is (or was assuming he is still alive let...

The Morning Report 7/22/24

Good Morning Kids. So, the powers that be that control Biden have evidently penetrated the fog of his dementia...

The Morning Report 7/19/24

Good Morning Kids. If you are flying somewhere today, you might want to check the flight status before you...

The Morning Report7/18/24

Good Morning Kids.  Even an execrable communist like Van Jones gets it right, albeit for purely partisan political expediency. ‘Democrats...