The Morning Report 5/31/24

ood morning, kids. Obviously the completely unsurprising guilty verdict against DonaldTrump leads the news this morning. 34 separate counts...

The Morning Rant: Trust

Trust. I don’t have it any more. I used to trust the police. I used to trust my representatives...

The Morning Report 5/30/24

Good morning, kids. Frankly it’s kind of hard for anything to surprise and disgust me anymore insofar as the...

The Morning Report 5/29/24

Good morning, kids. IT’s all a titanic dumpster fire of madness. It’s hard enough to face things and try...

The Morning Rant

The cowardly, soft, mush-headed intellectuals, commentators, celebrities, athletes and others with even the tiniest bully pulpit are always challenged...

The Morning Report 5/28/24

Good morning, kids. Hope you all had a blessed Mmoial Day holiday in remembrance and appreciation for those of...

The Morning Report 5/27/24

Good morning, kids. First and foremost, I have been slowly but surelyrecuperating at home an cannot thank all of...

The Morning Rant

I recently spent 90 interminable minutes waiting in line at the United States Customs and Border Protection facility between...

The Morning Report

Sefton is doing fine. His surgery went well yesterday, and he is now trying to get his nurses to...