The Morning Report 12/22/20

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and we’ll take a break this morning from the relatively hot, new insanity of societal...

The Morning Report 12/21/20

Good morning, kids. Monday and winter officially begins today, while we seemingly continue to plunge headlong into a rhetorical...

The Morning Report 12/18/20

ood morning, kids. Friday and the weekend is here as well as the 45-day deadline for DNI John Ratcliffe...

The Morning Rant

As usual, J.J. Sefton beat me to this excellent article, but its message is worth repeating. The Left, with...

The Morning Report 12/17/20

Good morning, kids. Thursday and the big story is the impending report from DNI John Ratcliffe as well as...

The Morning Report 12/16/20

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and the beat (-down) goes on. I don’t have the energy to be either hopeful...

The Morning Rant

Yeah…not much of a rant because I am currently away from my computer and the thought of composing one...

The Morning Report 12/15/20

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and while hope always springs eternal, I’d be lying to you if I said the...

The Morning Report 12/14/20

Good morning, kids. Monday and today is the day that the Electoral College is supposed to convene and elect...