The Morning Report 10/24/23

Good morning, kids. It’s looking like the section entitled “ISRAEL AT WAR” is proving to be a misnomer. Despite...

The Morning Report 10/23/23

Good morning, kids. It’s funny. The Left are constantly spouting the bromide that to be anti-Israel or anti-Zionist is...

The Morning Rant

Here is a spectacularly stupid idea, and as usual, one of our profoundly arrogant and stupid elites is behind...

The Morning Report 10/20/23

Good morning, kids. So, they changed Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants from out of his Ensure-stained track suit he sported on...

The Morning Report 10/19/23

Good morning, kids. I had thought that the unprecedented barbaric massacre of nearly 1,500 unarmed, innocent civilians would finally...

The Morning Report 10/18/23

Good morning, kids. They say timing is everything. With Hamas’ tsunami of savagery straight out of the gates of...

The Morning Rant

The framers of The United States Constitution and The Bill Of Rights were well aware of the necessity of...

The Morning Report 10/17/23

Good morning, kids. While we’re all focused on what’s going on in Gaza, half way around the world, a somewhat...

The Morning Report 10/16/23

Good morning, kids. Just an observation to kick things off. Isn’t it funny how the usual suspects are all...