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The Morning Rant

If “The pen is mightier than the sword,” why can’t gun manufacturers and those charged with gun crimes be...

The Morning Report 2/15/22

Good morning, kids. Well, the Canadian Mexican standoff just ramped up a notch to the point where someone is...

The Morning Report 2/14/22

Good morning, kids. Start of a new week, and once again so many crucial things are happening simultaneously, each...

The Morning Report 2/11/22

Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and while the incitement, lies and threats of violence at the Canadian...

The Morning Rant

Gerrymandering is pretty damned sleazy…a power grab by the ruling party without regard for the reality of shifting voting...

The Morning Report 2/10/22

Good morning, kids. Thursday and in gliding by AOL Puffington, (yeah, I still have an AOL e-mail account after...

The Morning Report 2/9/22

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and I just realized something that, frankly, I’m embarrassed I didn’t see right away. Before...