The Morning Rant

We are long past the time in which we have the luxury of a hands-off approach to societal dislocation...

The Morning Rant

They climbed that cliff. Under fire from determined, experienced, well-armed German troops. They succeeded, and spent the next two...

The Morning Rant

We’re shocked to learn that crime is out of control! This is the same tired trope oozing from the...

The Morning Rant

Environmental, Social, and Governance…that’s the sht in the sht sandwich being fed to us by an evil cabal of...

The Morning Rant

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving industry! The academy postures that they are an intellectual institution, above petty...

The Morning Rant

The double standard of the Western Media is nowhere more obvious or disgusting than when they minimize the brutality,...

The Morning Rant

The absolutely idiotic suggestion that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution can be used to invalidate the power of...

The Morning Rant

The danger of a politicized Federal Reserve is that they will act contrary to accepted economic practices, ignore the...