CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Episode 19

Breitbart’s John “Doc Zero” Hayward joins us to discuss: How social media squelched the original blogosphere, The GOP: Insincerity/cowardice...

The Morning Rant

More data that we have become a fundamentally unserious country. The last time I checked, when America was real...

The Morning Rant

Push back. Push back hard! That is the only way to claw our way back from the abyss. The...

The Morning Rant

Ah…academics: you can’t ignore them, and you can’t beat them over the head with a brick. The arrogance and...

The Morning Rant

Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the...

The Morning Rant

These are the lackeys of the Iranian mullahs; doing their bidding, using Iranian money and, probably, arms and training....