CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 3, Episode 8

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 3, Episode 8

The Irish Democracy episode, as author, historian and editor of Michael Walsh joins CBD and J.J. from his home in Ireland to ask the ultimate question of “what are you prepared to do” to fight for whatever is left of America, the Trump vs DeSantis battle, will the Chi-Coms implode before we do, the abject incompetence of those who would be our overlords, climate madness, and a whole lot more!

5 comments to “CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 3, Episode 8”
  1. AMEN on the idiocy of bicycle lanes everywhere. We have those on some of our main thoroughfares. Two lanes suddenly become one. For whom?! A few dozen bicyclists?

    If you want to be in Europe, where the buildings were put up before the streets, move there. Leave us out of it.

  2. [NOTE: The Meta-Podcast Association has rated this broadcast NC-29 (No One Under 29 Allowed) for Foul Language, Violence to Bicycles & Bike Racks, and Otherwise Objectionable Imagery]

    Enjoyed hearing Michael Walsh for the first time; have become a huge fan of his essays at The-Pipeline thanks to J.J.’s Morning Report links.

    Would love to hear you three gentlemen and/or any of your other guests like Mannix, Buck, etc. opine on a National Strike as a possible catalyst as we desperately seek *some* kind of pushback/action against the literal madness and descent into hell. It would require a willing, charismatic leader for whom tens of millions would sacrifice (recall past successes like Gandhi, MLK Jr., Lech Walesa, and Where the Hell Is John Galt?); I thought Trump could & should have done so immediately after The Steal in 2020, but it’s a very dangerous gambit fraught with numerous perils and likely lots of potential pain for — if not deaths of — innocents, not to mention the potential to birth a complete totalitarian police state sooner rather than the inevitable later.

    For those considering listening, the final hilarious two-minute truck-full-of-sand death-wish rant by CBD alone is worth the price of admission.

    Finally, I for one look forward to the 2024 Presidential debates between the tickets of Fetterman/Feinstein vs. Meatball Ron/Rama Lama Ding Dong before the former “wins” the “election” with “over 300 million votes!”

  3. We’ve had Walsh on a few times in the past and he’s terrific.

    Had Robert Spencer on once and I want to try and get a return engagement. Outstanding thinker.

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