CutJibNewsletter Speaks” Season 7, Episode 3

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks" Season 7, Episode 3

CBD and J.J. Sefton (who?) discuss: The psychos at NBC go berserk at the hiring of Ronna McDaniel, the disaster, intentional or not, of B’more’s Key Bridge, Trump might have a chance at beating the cheat, Lieberman’s legacy, and more! Blessed Good Friday and Easter to all.

6 comments to “CutJibNewsletter Speaks” Season 7, Episode 3”
  1. Better than whistle while you work is listening to CJN Speaks while you work
    Thanks guys
    Have a Happy Easter everyone

  2. How do you get your acronym (not the right word, I know) for the MSM? MSN is obvious, but after that, I’m lost.

    I’d like to hear Buck Throckmorton again.

    Happy Easter to both of you gentlemen!

  3. JJ Sefton – please recognize me. I am a recent Glio Blastoma (left side) gain after Feb 6 surgery. I have tremendous amounts of information and am looking to share more with others. I speak with over 10 people now. 2 died prior to 2021. Mine is only 2 months old at this point – but I am deeply aware that this is PROBABLY caused by Covid Vaccine which I was forced to get and OPPOSED as my coverage from my March 2020 Covid intensity led to massive levels of post sickness levels of Antigens which PREVENTED IT FURTHER AFTER 2 plus years. But, being loss of a job if I did not do this, I’d have been fired despite my Antigen levels. So now that vaccine PROBABLY caused this of me (and 3 others I’ve spoken to, and although I have spoken to a NYT author who is FAR WORSE OFF THAN ME, he was also Covid Vaccined).

    I’d love to get more coverage and discussion OF THIS FURTHER please.

    There seems other potential opportunities and gains. Largely pushed by Pharmaceuticals and other “professionals” who are, up to now widely ignoring lots of information and questions because nobody has raised or discussed this YET.

  4. Hi Richard: Wow, I am so very sorry for your travails and I shall pray for your recovery and ultimate triumph over adversity. I never had the shot nor any boosters ever, so I’m hoping whatever I’m dealing with (and the doctors are still unsure what exactly I have) will require as little pain and invasive procedures as possible. God-willing, when I return, hopefully soon, I will try to cover my experience as well as delve into the horrors of these vaccines

    Take good care, sir.

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