
thThe Saudis Gambled And Texas Won in a game that command economies should never play. Even the rapidly disappearing vestiges of capitalism we have in the United States is enough to smack the Saudis around.

Innovation, risk, profit. Lovely words for a free people. I just hope that Texas doesn’t keep that kind of attitude for itself.

5 comments to “Capitalism…Bitches!”
  1. Great news, economically, strategically, and even philosophically.

    The great news strategically: we can’t be held hostage for our energy needs by some Third World hellhole.

  2. Interesting first ‘graf, but the Great Paywall of WSJ abandoned me to perpetual ignorance.

    Thus unknowing — but a realist about the antics of the Choom Gang and their followers — I have to wonder if Texas will get a slap on the wrist from D.C. that erases their gains. Not sure “we” can win when we’re fighting both the Arabs and our own government (as if there’s a difference).

    In theory — and minus artificial restrictions imposed on success — I’ll bet on Our Side every time.

  3. Thanks, CBD. A more positive article than I was expecting, even if my sense that Choom Boy and his myrmidons may yet insert themselves into the fray remains.

    Perhaps Texas will tell him to go pound sand if he tries. Saudi sand.

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