A Serious Question: What Makes The Most Sense, Switching Party Affiliation To Independent, Or to Something (Anything) Other Than Republican?

It’s all done except for the check mark in the “Independent” box or one of the other minor parties that my state recognizes as a viable political organization.

Strangely, I see on the form that one of the choices is “Republican,” but I don’t see them as a viable political party as much as a funnel for money from the unwise to the head grifters. If I had hired a contractor or a car mechanic and got the kind of shoddy work I have received for my support of the Republican party in NJ (and nationally), I would have fired him that day and asked for my money back.

So…Conservative is tempting, but judging by the state of the website, I might be quite lonely.

And what about registering as a Democrat just to vote for the most idiotic and outrageous of their candidates? That would be fun but unproductive.

The U.S. Constitution Party is another option. That sounds like fun! But I might need a custom-made tinfoil hat. I mean, they are correct that our government is corrupt, but their perspective is right out of left field.

I can’t see myself as a Green Party member. I just don’t dig chicks with hairy armpits.

Libertarian? Yeah…no. I am not a stoner, and I want the damned borders closed.

Ooh! here’s one! The Natural Law Party. I like their platform, all seven planks! It’s nice and short and hasn’t been touched since 2002.

In reality, it doesn’t matter at all. the important message is that I am leaving the Republican party, not that I am going anywhere else. And it’s not just that I am leaving them; I want to hurt them. They need to suffer; they need to bleed; they need to be driven from the public square, metaphorically chased by patriots with whips.

6 comments to “A Serious Question: What Makes The Most Sense, Switching Party Affiliation To Independent, Or to Something (Anything) Other Than Republican?”
  1. Funny you posted this. I went online and switched from R to Independent. The R’s stepped on their d—.
    Time for a 3rd party, it can start with about 80 million voters…..tomorrow!

  2. For 2024 Presidential election, if not DJT, then the one I vote for will have to meet these DJT standards:
    1. Are the Dem Party elite against the candidate?
    2. Are the GOP elite against the candidate?
    3. Do billionaire string-pullers from around the globe fly their own personal 747s here to meet with the GOPe in order to “Stop the candidate”?

    IOWs, if the candidate is an enemy of our Liberty’s #1 enemy, the Swamp, then the candidate is on our side. Nothing else matters if the candidate is not on our side. That is the first requirement for my vote.

  3. Well, since it’s A Serious Question, I’ll give you a serious answer: It doesn’t much matter.

    The only factor that really matters is which primary you want to be eligible for. Other than the primary, party affiliation is largely irrelevant. Only votes count, and only if they are honestly counted, and since you’re in Dem Jersey, well…

    One thing about your post though, the published platform planks are also largely irrelevant, in every state. You have to do further research before choosing a party, beyond the lies they tell in their official descriptions.

    Suggest that you take another look at the Constitution Party. Their platform is somewhat off-putting, but they have some solid core beliefs behind the weak rhetoric. Kind of the the JBS (Birchers), solid beliefs behind an off-putting public fact.

    Sen. McCarthy was right, after all…

  4. JJ–

    I tried to write a lengthy comment to this post on Ace, but it was rejected as “spam”, so I’ll try here.

    Many states, mostly in the south and the midwest, don’t have any public party affiliation option when registering to vote anyway, so there’s nothing to change officially.

    Some states (like TX) have “open primary, public choice”, wherein you tell the election clerk in which primary you want to vote, and are given that ballot. Your party choice is recorded and public, but your ballot choices are secret.

    States in the upper midwest (MN, WI, MI) have “open primary, private choice”. When voting machines were used, you pulled a handle inside to select your party primary and lock out the levers of choices for the other party. On a paper ballot, both parties were listed with a heavy line demarcating them and a warning not to vote for different offices in different party at the risk of ballot disqualification.

    So that leaves closed primary states (most of the NE, SW, and Mountain States). Several reasons to leave the GOP:

    1) Hardcore MAGA fans (like me and JJ–and I’ve been a party officer and delegate/alternate to more than one national convention) disgusted with they way the party establishment threw Trump under the bus.

    2) The pearl-clutching “Well I never . . . ” and “That’s now who we are!” crowd. Fuck them.

    3) Individuals terrified of career and other repercussions, even to the extent of fearing for their safety. Sadly, such fears are not unfounded.

    I live in a red county in a very blue state. The only reason to stay with the GOP is to vote in party primaries, especially for party office elections (county and state committee, various convention delegates) Those are never contested in our corner anyway, so nothing to gain there.

  5. Good points all.

    And…there are two Constitution parties. One is sort of nutty, the other is more like what one would expect.

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