The Morning Rant


Nothing would please me more than the prospect of Liz Cheney running for president in 2024. She would attract a portion of the virulently-anti-Trump money from all the usual suspects, and would crash and burn spectacularly after a few months.

It used to be that our society did not reward catastrophic failure, and the conventional wisdom after such a through and complete electoral beating was to go back to work, repair the damage, and then perhaps try again with renewed focus on reality.

But Chubby Cheney has no sense of that reality, and assumes that her sinecure will conveniently be transferred to another grift, although her previous position as Wyoming’s representative seems to have paid quite well, so she is ahead of the D.C. thieving game. A net worth of up to $44 million after only a few years in congress is impressive, even for our current crop of grasping harpies.

After landslide primary defeat, Liz Cheney announces new anti-Trump group, says she’s ‘thinking about’ WH bid

When asked by Savannah Guthrie if Cheney had lost sight of the issues her constituents in Wyoming cared about, Cheney said that “as a nation, you don’t get the opportunity to debate and discuss any other issue” when facing “a fundamental threat on our republic.”

To that end, Cheney made it clear that she will continue with her sole focus.

“I will do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office,” she stated.

Including packing those wattles with more caviar and foie gras? Damn…the chick looks like she spent most of her time at beltway restaurants. Well…there and the hair salon. That shade of blonde is out of a bottle.

But the more serious issue is her amazingly misguided sense of the state of the Republican party and the conservative movement in America. Her particular brand of corporate Republicanism is dead…she just doesn’t know it yet. Her lazy assumption that she will be supported in whatever endeavor she chooses simply because of her connections to Republican “royalty” are flat-out wrong, and had she observed the groundswell in America for the last several years with anything other than thinly veiled contempt and derision she would understand that conservative America will no longer go along with insular corporate whores spilling our blood and spending our money.

Donald Trump may not be as popular as he thinks he is, and his bloated ego will probably continue to hamper his future plans, but the idea that there is some untapped movement in America that supports Lizzie the Lizard’s backstabbing, traitorous January 6th Committee work is simply insane. Well, I guess among her current constituents — The Democrats — it makes sense. But she is reviled by the conservative movement, and no amount of bloated bloviating on MSNBC will repair the damage she has done to herself.

And that is as it should be. Her failures and disloyalty should, and will, be punished.