CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Episode 7

J.J. Sefton, CBD and Misanthropic Humanitarian jabber about Biden/dementia and Ukraine, A moral compass, A Texas synagogue, and of...

The Morning Rant

So 50 years after the Stonewall riots, this is what Homosexual Incorporated has devolved to? I find it increasingly...

The Morning Rant

Mass immigration into New York City is nothing new. The Dutch, Germans, British all came in large numbers after...

The Morning Rant

Ooh! Professors! And Stanford University professors to boot! They must be so smart. So sophisticated. So in tune with...

The Morning Rant

This is insane. And it is a direct byproduct of two things…the long march through the institutions; namely education...

The Morning Rant

Smug. Out of touch. Elitist. Condescending. And vile…we mustn’t forget vile. Because the hatred that oozes out of her...

The Morning Rant

Appeasement never works. And why any government thinks it will…THIS TIME!…is beyond any understanding. The stated goal of the...

The Morning Rant

In news that anyone with a few functioning neurons and eyes that work already have, a hedge fund principal...