The Morning Rant

After the obscene travesty of a stolen election and the craven and cowardly behavior of so many of our...

The Morning Rant

Vote. Do your options stink? Absolutely! I am second to none in my disdain for the machine Republicans on...

The Morning Rant

American Exceptionalism is real. It created the greatest economic engine in history, and on the way it also created...

The Morning Rant

This is a textbook example of the corruption of the Deep StateTM and the unholy alliance between corporate America...

The Morning Rant

There are economists who claim that deficit spending by our government is immune from the economic principles that govern...

The Morning Rant

As usual, J.J. Sefton beat me to this excellent article, but its message is worth repeating. The Left, with...

The Morning Rant

Yeah…not much of a rant because I am currently away from my computer and the thought of composing one...