The Morning Rant

Let us be honest: the world would be a less interesting place without blithering idiots like AOC on the...

The Morning Report 3/2/21

ood morning, kids. Tuesday and before getting to the news, we have a technical problem to sort out. The...

The Morning Rant

The relationship between an increase in the minimum wage and a decrease in entry-level jobs has been studied and...

The Morning Report 2/26/21

Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and, surprise! America is back, baby. That is, back to sending our troops...

The Morning Report 2/25/21

Good morning, kids. Thursday and as both Angel of Death Cuomo and Gavin Newsom circle the wagons, if they’re...

The Morning Report 2/24/21

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and the inexorable drift towards “getting our hair mussed” as General Buck Turgidson would say...

The Morning Rant

When Jeff Sessions, the amiable coward, recused himself from the Special Counsel Investigation did anyone expect anything other than...

The Morning Report 2/23/21

Good morning, kids. Tuesday brings, yet again, more “lies, damned lies, and statistics” from the Enemy as the nation...

The Morning Report 2/22/21

Good morning, kids. Happy birthday to some old white guy named George Washington. Start of a new week and...