The Morning Report 11/23/21

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and before I get to the shocking (not) news that the confirmed animal and alleged...

The Morning Report 11/22/21

Good morning, kids. Monday and the big story which broke yesterday afternoon was a possible terror attack when a...

The Morning Report 11/19/21

Good morning, kids. Friday and let me just reiterate that anyone who continues to harp on the fact that...

The Morning Rant

Yeah, yeah…I often rant and rave about the destruction of language and its co-option by the left for purposes...

The Morning Report 11/18/21

Good morning, kids. Thursday and the jury is still out in the Rittenhouse show trial. While there were some...

The Morning Report 11/17/21

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and as the jury ruminates over the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse, a mob of thugs,...

The Morning Rant

Childish, vindictive, irrationally angry and prone to illogical outbursts…no, that’s not a description of a difficult five-year-old…it’s a fair...