The Morning Rant

In news that anyone with a few functioning neurons and eyes that work already have, a hedge fund principal...

The Morning Report 10/13/21

Good morning, kids. Monday and of course the big story is the devastation caused by tornadoes that hit Kentucky and...

The Morning Report 12/10/21

Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and the big story breaking late yesterday is that no-talent low-life Jussie...

CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Episode 4

Covid, Coarsening of the culture, Immigration, Trump, the J6 Political Prisoners, and Iran!

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Episode 4

The Morning Rant

President Trump…Don’t Run. Be the king-maker that you have demonstrated you can be. Support like-minded candidates in key races...

The Morning Report 12/9/21

Good morning, kids. Thursday and a story that some might shrug off or go unnoticed given everything else that’s going...

The Morning Report 12/8/21

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and while the clueless, deranged imbeciles are steering the ship of state off the edge...

The Morning Rant

Eric Zenmour is a French journalist and pundit who captured the attention of the French body politic by announcing...