CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 6, Episode 12

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 6, Episode 12

Biden won’t respond to the deaths of GIs against an Iran he’s trying to suck up to means more American deaths, Hiring a raging Islamist for one of the NSC’s most sensitive positions is part and parcel of the anti-American bent of the Obama-controlled Biden junta, Shocking! Another Harvard director is accused of plagiarism, Wherever fentanyl is coming from, it’s the border that’s the problem, The destruction of morality over the past 60+ years has lead us to the brink, and more!

One comment to “CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 6, Episode 12”
  1. This just in: Resident Biden is cutting off the Mullahs Netflix accounts in retaliation for killing three Americans. The message is clear, now: Don’t mess with the old age homer.

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