The Morning Report 6/25/24

Good Morning Kids.  So the Sponge-brain Shits-Pants Junta has struck a deal with Julian Assange who engineered one of the...

The Morning Report 6/24/24

Good Morning Kids. So a mob brazenly roamed one of the most Jewish neighborhoods in LA and started beating...

The Morning Report 6/21/24

Good Morning Kids. Here’s a real howler to get things started, Alvin Bragg, who literally rewrote law to basically fabricate...

The Morning Rant

What is it? Stupidity? Incompetence? Plain old hatred of America, Western values, and Judeo-Christian morality? Or stark-raving-mad hyper-politicization of...

The Morning Report 6/20/24

Good Morning Kids. Summertime, and the living is anything but easy. With yet another presidential election on the horizon...

The Morning Report 6/19/24

Good Morning Kids. So, millions of unvetted foreigners, among them hardened violent criminals as well as Islamic terrorists itching...

The Morning Rant

The Ford Foundation is insanely invested in the worst progressive and anti-Western efforts, and it doesn’t hide its goals....

The Morning Report 6/18/24

Good Morning Kids.  This story just underscores the abject failure of Democrats and Leftism on so many levels: A Secret...