The Morning Rant

Lord Acton (and others) understood very well that: Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And nowhere...

The Morning Rant

The lessons of the Easter Rising of 1916 are probably lost to many, but should be equally obvious to...

The Morning Rant

If you think that we are unique in our political dysfunction, Israel says, “Hold My Beer!” And they have...

The Morning Rant

Cradle-To-Grave socialism…it’s all the rage! What did these idiots expect…some huge federal bailout of their little factory? Unicorns and...

The Morning Rant

Diversity is one of those words that means whatever the left wants it to mean, as long as we...

The Morning Rant

Anti-Judaism…anti-Semitic…they are distinctions without a difference, and taking seriously the academic parsing leads inexorably to arguments like, “I’m not...