CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 5, Episode 4

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 5, Episode 4

CBD and J.J. Sefton discuss: Nikki Haley has a terrific idea – import a million “Palestinians” to America!, as the war threatens to widen in the Middle East, Israel categorically rejects US boots on the ground, Democrats cannibalize each other over supporting Hamas savagery, Trump’s first amendment rights get trashed, and more!

6 comments to “CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 5, Episode 4”
  1. Big fan of this one, especially of tCBD’s denunciation of the terrible D.C. judge who obviously has no idea what the natural rights of very American are, and how the First Amendment works.

  2. CBD, I’m surprised by your being shocked by the pro-Hamas demonstration in Dallas. Do you not remember the Holy Land Foundation terrorist-support trial? HLF has its headquarters in Irvine, a suburb between Dallas and Fort Worth. The Muslims have burrowed deep.

    My city has a Muslim school. I wonder about it.

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