CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 5, Episode 5

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 5, Episode 5

Historian, pundit and good friend Michael Walsh of returns after a long absence to discuss the situation in Israel, the centuries-long history driving the current crisis, the inability/blindness of our “leaders” to understand what’s going on, and so much more in fascinating all-too-quick hour or so!

5 comments to “CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 5, Episode 5”
  1. JJ, in this (somewhere around 22 minutes) you say Putin wanted to join NATO and Walsh agrees with you. I’ve never heard this fantastic assertion before. Where did this come from?

  2. Huck:

    I’ll be damned if I can find a reference, but I have seen numerous pundits/historians refer to this and I accept it as fact..

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