The Morning Rant

As professional sports rush to become just another shrill screech in the cacophony of criticism of America and Americans...

The Morning Report 10/13/20

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and there are a number of things happening other than the opening day of Judge...

The Morning Report 10/12/20

Good morning, kids. Happy Columbus Day! Let’s all recognize the incredible achievement of Christopher Columbus discovering the new world....

The Morning Rant

If you want to know what America with super-majorities of Democrats in power will look like, then California is...

The Morning Report 10/8/20

Good morning, kids. Thursday and in the lead, of course, is last night’s vice presidential debate between current VP...

The Morning Report 10/7/20

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and as the election draws nearer, the political and societal shit-storm grows that much more...

The Morning Rant

Synergy: The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the...