The Morning Report 10/17/19

Good morning kids. In the lead this Thursday is the breaking if not thoroughly unsurprising news that Schiff-for-Brains attempted...

The Morning Report 10/16/19

Good morning kids. Midweek, and we take a break from starting with the current lead items of the latest...

The Morning Report 10/10/19

Good morning kids. Thursday the Ukraine non-scandal imploding on the Dem-Left-Media Complex, just as the previous and related hoax...

The Morning Report 10/9/19

Good morning kids. Midweek, and a blessed Yom Kippur to our Jewish friends. In the lead this morning is...

The Morning Report 10/8/19

Good morning kids. Tuesday and the beat goes on, at least as far as the impeachment kabuki/bukkake theater that...

The Morning Report 10/7/19

Good morning kids. Start of a brand new week and the net effect of the entire whistleblower “revelation” last...