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The Morning Report 9/27/21

Good morning, kids. Start of a new week and I’ve been thinking about a painting done by World War...

The Morning Report 9/23/21

Good morning, kids. Thursday and the law of totalitarian physics is certainly in evidence. To wit, the more ruin...

The Morning Report 9/22/21

Good morning, kids. Yesterday, while riding a bus out in the hinterlands of Staten Island, feeling a bit disconnected...

The Morning Rant

The United States Constitution is clear. The President is the commander in chief of the armed forces. The framers...

The Morning Report 9/21/21

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and first up, a clarification. The headline for yesterday’s post, “#HaitiHasNoHomeHere” came from the fertile...

The Morning Report 9/17/21

Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and the virtually constant conflagrations from multiple crises since demented Siren Head Joey Bivalve...