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The Morning Rant

Academic exercises are the purview of wealthy societies. And Dennis Prager is obviously a big fan of them. He...

The Morning Report 9/30/21

Good morning, kids. Thursday and honestly, with everything else that is happening, it seems almost pointless and stupid to...

The Morning Report 9/29/21

Good morning, kids. I suppose you could sum up today’s lead item, as Michael Goodwin of the New York Post has,...

The Morning Rant

J.J. Sefton has, over the last two days expounded on something that has been percolating in my consciousness for...

The Morning Report 9/28/21

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and I suppose I’m not quite finished with yesterday’s theme of being akin to Bruce...

The Morning Report 9/27/21

Good morning, kids. Start of a new week and I’ve been thinking about a painting done by World War...