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The Morning Rant

You want to talk about diversity? How about the United States Armed Forces? They have been following a policy...

The Morning Report 11/11/20

ood morning, kids. First and foremost, a very happy Veterans Day to all our servicemen and women past and...

The Morning Rant

It’s an interesting prediction, but it is pandering to the multicultural crap that has been shoved down our throats...

The Morning Report 11/10/20

Good morning, kids. Tuesday and while we continue to take on the withering fire from a constant Democrat-Anti-Media Complex...

The Morning Report 11/9/20

Good morning, kids. Monday, and the beat goes on. Despite the constant drumbeat from the Democrat Anti-Media Complex as...

What Can We Do?

It is tempting to lash out and agitate for the most aggressive and combative reactions to what is almost...