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The Morning Rant

Ah yes…The Heritage Foundation. Looking at the board of directors it should be a solid place, but this mewling...

The Morning Report 6/23/20

Good morning, kids. Tuesday, and while I can’t say I’m necessarily surprised by some of the headlines, they are...

The Morning Report 6/22/20

Good morning, kids. Summer’s here and the time is right for mayhem in the streets. The big story as...

Emergency Open Thread

Ace of Spades is down, so until the hamster wheel is fixed, have at it. NOTE: WordPress moderates comments...

The Morning Report 6/19/20

Good morning, kids. Horrendous and destructive both to life, property and our collective psyche as the rioting, looting and...

The Morning Rant

Somebody once said, “elections have consequences.” And here is a delightful one! Michael Pack’s nomination for head of the...

The Morning Report 6/18/20

Good morning, kids. Am I crazy but does it seem as if we’re plunging headlong into total anarchy, or...

The Morning Report 6/17/20

Good morning, kids. Wednesday and even amidst this seemingly never ending, waking nightmare of watching helpless as our nation...

The Morning Rant

What to do? We are a law-abiding people, or at least we used to be. We are a country...

The Morning Report 6/16/20

Good morning, kids. We’ve tasted the rainbow of flavors that hate-shakes come in; rapid-setting cement, ground glass and now as...